Han Dynasty

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Han Culture Expo Park in Hanzhong
Located in Xinghan New District of Hanzhong City, it is a comprehensive exhibition park of Han culture, with a construction area of 118,800 square meters. The park is inspired by the "one pond and three mountains layout (a Chinese garden layout originated from mythology)", and consists of four independent constructions -the Han Culture Museum, the City Exhibition Hall, the Han Yuefu, and the park's greening water system.


Lvliang Pavilion - 13th China (Xuzhou) International Garden Expo

Lvliang Pavilion is one of the main buildings of the 13th China (Xuzhou) International Park Expo, and has become the new landmark of the Expo.It is endowed with the architectural characteristics of the Han Dynasty reflected in the Han portrait stones and Han pottery buildings. It boasts the Han building features of flat roofs, corbel brackets, square pillars, bucket arches supporting flat seats, brown pillars and gray roofs. Green building materials are adopted to show the historical significance and modern openness.


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